
datedropper JS is a Pure Javascript user-friendly date picker that allows users to easily select a specific date from a calendar-like interface.


What does Datedropper do

Datedropper streamlines date selection, saving time and reducing errors.

This datepicker allows users to select the desired date by clicking on it. The selected date will then be displayed in the input field and can be used for any relevant purpose, such as booking a flight or making a reservation.

What features does Datedropper include

Datedropper offers compelling features.

  • Small and large calendar view

    Small and large calendar view

    datedropper date picker displays a calendar-like small and large view, allowing users to easily browse through different months and years to select the desired date. Learn more

  • Date range selection

    Date range selection

    datedropper date picker allows users to select a range of dates, such as a start and end date for a trip or event. Learn more

  • Custom date formats

    Custom date formats

    datedropper date picker offers customizable date formats, allowing users to choose the format that best suits their needs. Learn more

  • Inline and pop-up options

    Inline and pop-up options

    datedropper datepicker can be displayed inline or as a pop-up dialog when a user clicks on a designated input field. Learn more

Try it out
See the options section of the official documentation →

How to use Datedropper

Easily install and use Datedropper on your web app.

  1. 1

    Add Datedropper library to your web page's resources

    <!-- datedropper lib -->
    <script src="datedropper-javascript.js"></script>
  2. 2

    Initialize Datedropper on a page element

    <input id="myInput">

    <!-- datedropper init -->
    <script>new dateDropper({ selector: '#myInput' });</script>

You can find more tech details on the official Datedropper's documentation.

Read it now

How to get Datedropper

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just for 9$

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See also